Thursday, May 27, 2010

lucky biG sis

salam sume.

today my big sis otw to Australia for holiday..
i'm soooooo jeles(x3)!!
i also want to go too..
anyway i hope she and her friends have great time in OZ after having hard time at works.
love love love big sis..i want chocolates from there(^ ^).


  1. oh sgt best ye goldcoast itu.. sila la bljr rajin2 dan sambung master kat oversea.. blh la aku jenguk ko selalau hikhikhik..

    P/S: kita sama size la.. mn pulak aku BIG? err bulan puasa ni dah makin small youuuu haha

  2. you BIG than iam what..
    dun ignore that..
